Press Releases

FICCI-TAITRA Carnet Protocol to Facilitate Temporary Duty Free Admission of Goods/Exhibits between India and Taiwan, March 18, 2013
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) will sign a FICCI-TAITRA Carnet Protocol similar to the ATA Carnet backed by an agreement between India-Taipei Association (ITA), Taipei and Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre (TECC), India to facilitate duty free temporary admission of goods/exhibits between India and Taiwan. The FICCI-TAITRA Carnet Protocol will be signed on behalf of FICCI by Senior Vice President, FICCI, Mr Sidharth Birla and on behalf of TAITRA by Mr Chao, Yuen-Chuan, President & CEO of TAITRA.
New Delhi, Delh, March 18, 2013 /India PRwire/ -- Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) will sign a FICCI-TAITRA Carnet Protocol similar to the ATA Carnet backed by an agreement between India-Taipei Association (ITA), Taipei and Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre (TECC), India to facilitate duty free temporary admission of goods/exhibits between India and Taiwan.
The FICCI-TAITRA Carnet Protocol will be signed on behalf of FICCI by Senior Vice President, FICCI, Mr Sidharth Birla and on behalf of TAITRA by Mr Chao, Yuen-Chuan, President & CEO of TAITRA.
In terms of the FICCI-TAITRA Carnet Protocol - FICCI in India and TAITRA in Taiwan will facilitate Indian and Taiwanese businessmen ATA Carnet like document for temporary movement of goods/exhibits for Exhibitions/Fairs in India and Taiwan.
ATA Carnet is an international uniform Customs document issued in 72 countries including India, which are parties to the Customs Convention on ATA Carnet. The ATA Carnet permits duty free temporary admission of goods into a member country without the need to raise customs bond, payment of duty and fulfillment of other customs formalities in one or a number of foreign countries. The ATA Carnet System is administered by ICC-WCF World ATA Carnet Council (WATAC), Paris in cooperation with the World Customs Organization (WCO). FICCI has been appointed as the National Issuing and Guaranteeing Association for the operation of ATA Carnet System in India.
The goods being imported from Taiwan are not presently covered under the ATA Carnet System as Taiwan is not a signatory to the Convention. However, Taiwan has signed similar carnet protocol with more than 35 countries including United States of America, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, South Africa, the EU, etc. These protocols grant duty free admissions for exhibition goods which are brought for exhibition purposes on a temporary basis.
The FICCI-TAITRA Carnet Protocol will pave the way to enhance the bilateral trade co-operation between India and Taiwan through the use of Carnets.
Notes to Editor
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) will sign on March 20th, 2013, a FICCI-TAITRA Carnet Protocol similar to the ATA Carnet backed by an agreement between India-Taipei Association (ITA), Taipei and Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre (TECC), India to facilitate duty free temporary admission of goods/exhibits between India and Taiwan.