ISO 9001:2008 Certified
FICCI India's Sole National Issuing & Guaranteeing Association (NIGA) for ATA Carnet

Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BelCCI)
ul. Kommunisticheskaya 11
220029 Minsk

Contact / ATA Manager
Mr Vitali Vabishchevich

Field of Application ATA Convention
Istanbul Convention and its Annexes A, B1 (Fairs and Exhibitions), B2 (Professional equipment), B3 (Samples) and B5 (goods imported for educational, scientific or cultural purposes).

Other Applications : ATA Carnets are accepted for postal traffic under the condition that the ATA Carnet should contain a description of the goods giving the possibility to identify these goods. ATA Carnets are accepted for transit (except transit through Belarus to/from Russia) The goods under cover of an ATA Carnet can be transferred only by the Carnet holder himself or his representative. In accordance with this rule, the transfer of unaccompanied goods is possible only if the carrier has the documents proving his warrant (i.e. a latter of authority or a full power of attorney.

Languages in which Carnets should be completed : Russian / Belarusian or English

Replacement of Carnet : Yes, in accordance with Article 14, Annex A of the Istanbul Convention

Customs Offices : Belarusian Customs are entitled to accept ATA Carnets during normal
opening hours

List of Customs offices (click here)
Tel : +375 17 2377719
Fax :
(375) 17 290 72 48
Email :
Web :