ISO 9001:2008 Certified
FICCI India's Sole National Issuing & Guaranteeing Association (NIGA) for ATA Carnet

Steps to apply ATA Carnet

Fill Application Form
Application Form contains details of Carnet processing type(Standard or Express), Mode of delivery of final document (By Courier or by Hand), Personal Details (Name, Designation, EmailID, Company Name & Address, Contact Details), List of Authorized Representatives, Countries of Visits and Transits, Requirement of Carnet Period and Intended Use.
Fill Proforma Invoice
Exporter Details, Consignee Details, Country of Origin and Destination Details, Schedule Date of Departure and Arrival, Invoice Goods Details (Goods Description, Quantity, Rate, Amount, Country of Origin).
Fee Details & Undertaking
  • Fill details of processing fee and security deposit.
  • Download your application form and undertaking
Upload Documents

Upload scanned copy of all required documents, so that your carnet starts processing soon. Make sure to send all these documents in original to FICCI Office, New Delhi.

Please prepare the following documents for uploading: (Supported Formats: jpg, gif, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf,rar Max file size: 5MB)

  • Undertaking On your company's letter head signed and stamped by an Authorised Signatory
  • Processing Fee - Scanned copy of NEFT/RTGS/Online favouring FICCI, payable at New Delhi.
  • Security Deposit in the form of:
    • Bank Guarantee - Scanned Copy of Bank Guarantee Documents as per the Format provided by FICCI OR
    • NEFT/RTGS - Scanned copy of NEFT/RTGS favouring FICCI, payable at New Delhi.
  • (If you are an agent) Agent Authority Letter - On your company's letter head signed and stamped by an Authorised Signatory
  • List of Detailed Goods