ISO 9001:2008 Certified
FICCI India's Sole National Issuing & Guaranteeing Association (NIGA) for ATA Carnet

Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce
84 Hahashmonaim Street, P.O. Box 20027
Tel-Aviv 61200, Israel

Contact / ATA Manager

Mrs. Emily (Mali) Levi, Director of ATA Carnet & International Documents Division
Mrs Keren Mairzik, ATA Carnet Department

Field of Application ATA Convention

"Professional equipment" Convention
"Exhibitions and Fairs" Convention
"Commercial samples" Convention
"Scientific equipment" Convention
"Pedagogic material "Convention
"Packings" Convention

Other Applications : ATA Carnets are accepted for transit operations
ATA Carnets are accepted for postal traffic.

Languages in which Carnets should be completed : Hebrew, Arabic, English, French or German.

The Customs will not require a translation when the Carnet has been completed in another language if the examining officers understand that language.

Replacement of Carnet : In accordance with Article 14, Annex A of the Istanbul Convention

Only in cases where the Carnet has been issued for a period of less than one year can a replacement Carnet be issued with a validity of one year from the date of issuing of the original Carnet.

This is subject to the approval of Israeli Customs authorities and prior to the expiry date of the Carnet. The request for approval can be forwarded through the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce – the Israeli national guaranteeing organizations.

Customs Offices : All Customs offices handling import and export transactions. All hours during which Customs offices are open to the public. All Customs offices are closed on Saturdays and legal holidays.

Tel : (972-3) 563.10.09 or (972-3) 563 10 10
         (972-3) 563 10 54
Fax :
(972-3) 5631093
Email :
Web :