ISO 9001:2008 Certified
FICCI India's Sole National Issuing & Guaranteeing Association (NIGA) for ATA Carnet
Kingdom of Bahrain

Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry
P.O. Box 248
Manama Kingdom of Bahrain

Contact / ATA Manager
Mr. Fahad Abdulaziz Al Shaer, Director - Client Services Directorate
Mr. Abdulla Al Qallaf, Head - Client Services Directorate
Mr. Ali Mohamed Abbas, Senior Officer - Client Services Directorate
Ms. Shaima Abdulla Mohamed, Acting Director - Legal Affairs

Field of Application : ATA Convention
Convention on "Professional equipment"
Convention on "Exhibitions and Fairs"
Convention on "Commercial Samples"
Convention on "Pedagogic Material"
Convention on "Scientific equipment"
Istanbul Convention and all its Annexes (Reservations entered as regards Annexes B3, B5, C and E)

Other applications : Temporary admission operations under national laws and regulations
(1) Goods temporarily admitted:
(a) Goods intended for inspection, reproduction or experimental purposes: for ex: films for private viewing
(b) Goods for testing, e.g. meters for calibration
(c) Goods for shows and competitions, e.g. merry-go rounds,horses and cars for competitions, etc.
(d) Goods for the personal use of travellers: goods not qualifying for duty-free importation in travellers' baggage, e.g. a second tape recorder
(e) Goods (other than means of transport) for temporary use, e.g.machinery imported in temporary replacement, films for copying.
(2) Special conditions
(a) Prior authority is required for the goods listed in (ii) and (iv) above.
(b) ATA Carnets are not accepted for goods granted temporary admission for sale or return or for animals imported temporarily for working breeding, putting to pasture or veterinary examination.
(3) Re-exportation
(a) The goods must be re-exported within the period fixed in each case, which may not exceed one year (period of validity of the Carnet).
(b) The requirement of re-exportation may be waived; the goods may then be cleared for home use.
ATA Carnets are accepted for transit.
ATA Carnets are accepted for postal traffic for the operations listed above.

Languages in which Carnets should be completed
German. The Customs may require a translation if the Carnet is completed in another language, unless the particulars given can be understood. In practice, the use of French or English gives no difficulty.

Replacement of Carnet : Yes, in accordance with Article 14, Annex A of the Istanbul Convention

Customs Offices : All category 1 Customs offices Usually between 8 a.m. and 4.00 p.m.; if the offices are closed over lunchtime, the office hours usually extend from 7 a.m. to 12 noon and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Tel : (+973) 17380 000
Mr. Fahad Abdulaziz Al Shaer : (+973) 17380 088
Mr. Abdulla Al Qallaf : (+973) 17380 015
Mr. Ali Mohamed Abbas : (+973) 17380 080
Ms. Shaima Abdulla Mohamed : (+973) 17380 029
Fax :
(+973) 17380 123 / 17380 121 / 17380 130
Email :
Mr. Fahad Abdulaziz Al Shaer :
             Mr. Abdulla Al Qallaf :
             Mr. Ali Mohamed Abbas :
             Ms. Shaima Abdulla :
Web :