ISO 9001:2008 Certified
FICCI India's Sole National Issuing & Guaranteeing Association (NIGA) for ATA Carnet

Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Krišjāņa Valdemāra street 35
Rīga LV-1010, Latvija

Contact / ATA Manager

Aigars Kivlins, Director, Foreign Trade Document Department

Field of Application ATA Convention
Istanbul Convention and all its Annexes. The reservations made by the European Community are also in force in Latvia.

Other Applications : ATA Carnets are accepted for postal traffic
ATA Carnets are accepted for transit

Languages in which Carnets should be completed : Latvian or English

Replacement of Carnet : Accepted

Customs Offices : All Latvian Customs offices are entitled to accept ATA Carnets during normal opening hours

Tel : 371 67 22 55 95 – 67 32 23 27
Fax :
Email :
Web :