ISO 9001:2008 Certified
FICCI India's Sole National Issuing & Guaranteeing Association (NIGA) for ATA Carnet

The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry
Exchange Buildings, Republic Street
Valletta VLT 1117, Malta

Contact / ATA Manager

Mrs. Johanna Calleja, Manager – Statutory Affairs and Administration

Field of Application ATA Convention
Convention on "Professional equipment"
Convention on "Exhibitions and Fairs"
Istanbul Convention and all its Annexes with reservations on Annexes A, B1, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, C, D and E

Other Applications : ATA Carnets are not accepted for postal traffic
ATA Carnets are not accepted for transit
ATA Carnets will be accepted for temporary admission operations under the Customs Convention concerning welfare material for seafarers.
ATA Carnets will also be accepted for temporary admission operations under national laws and regulations for the following goods:
- Spare parts for the repair of private vehicles temporarily imported by tourists
- Commercial samples
The goods temporarily imported must be re-exported within three months. This period may be extended by Customs up to a maximum of one year, provided the Carnet is still valid. The Customs may waive the obligation to re-export the goods concerned.

Languages in which Carnets should be completed : English. The Customs may require a translation when the ATA Carnets are completed in any other language.

Replacement carnet : Yes, in accordance with Article 716a of EU Customs Code

Customs Offices : ATA Carnets are accepted at all offices "where Customs facilities for the clearance of vehicle goods and passengers' baggage are provided, with the exception of Branch Post Offices".

Customs clearance of ATA Carnets is operated from Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 5.15 p.m.

Provisions exist for attendance of Customs officers at importers' expense for the clearance of goods outside official hours of opening, if prior notice is given.

Tel : (356) 2203 2300
Fax :
(356) 21 245 223
Email :
Web :