ISO 9001:2008 Certified
FICCI India's Sole National Issuing & Guaranteeing Association (NIGA) for ATA Carnet

Pakistan National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Pakistan)
5th Floor, V.M. House, West Wharf Road

Contact / ATA Manager

Mr Salim Ghani

Field of Application ATA Convention

Istanbul Convention and its Annexes A, B1 and B2.

Other Applications : ATA Carnets are not accepted for postal traffic and unaccompanied
ATA Carnets are not accepted for transit
ATA Carnets are accepted for accompanied baggage and freight forwarded goods.

Languages in which Carnets should be completed : English. The Customs may require a translation when the Carnets are
completed in any other language.

Replacement of Carnet : In accordance with Article 14, Annex A of the Istanbul Convention

Customs Offices : All International Airports and Sea Port Customs offices are entitled to
handle ATA Carnets.

Tel : (92-21) 3231 1453 / 3231 1142
Fax :
(92-21) 3231 0630 / 3231 1286
Email :
Web :