Lima Chamber of Commerce
Giuseppe Garibaldi Avenue 396 Jesús Maria, Lima - Peru
Mónica Chávez Camacho
"Professional equipment" Convention
"Exhibitions and Fairs" Convention
"Commercial samples" Convention
"Scientific equipment" Convention
"Pedagogic material" Convention
"Private Road Vehicles" Convention: repair of vehicles
"Commercial Road Vehicles" Convention: spare parts for repair of vehicles. The spare parts mentioned in (f) and (g) must be intended for the repair of a road vehicle registered outside the Customs territory. Proof must also be furnished that the vehicle is immobilized in Portugal as a result of a breakdown or accident.
"Aircraft and Pleasure boats" Convention: spare parts for repair of such aircraft and pleasure boats.
Istanbul Convention and its Annexes A (with reservations), B1, B2, B3 (with reservations), B4, B5 (with reservations), B6, B7, B8, B9, C (with reservations), D and E (with reservations).
Other applications ATA Carnets are accepted for postal traffic.
ATA Carnets are accepted for transit
Languages in which Carnets should be completed : Portuguese. The Customs may require a translation when the Carnets are completed in any other language.
Replacement of Carnet : Yes, in accordance with Article 716a of EU Customs Code
Customs Offices : (delegacoes aduaneiras) on the land frontier and at ports
and airports are authorized to accept ATA Carnets, except for a limited number of goods which, because of their nature, can be declared only at main offices (area Customs offices).
Customs offices in Lisbon and Oporto: 9 a.m.-12 noon – 2 p.m.–5.30 p.m.
Saturdays: 9 a.m.-12.30 p.m.
Elsewhere: 9.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m. – 2 p.m.-5.30 p.m.
Saturdays: 9.30 a.m.–1 p.m.
On written application, Customs operations may be authorized outside the
official hours on payment of the charges laid down in the regulations.