ISO 9001:2008 Certified
FICCI India's Sole National Issuing & Guaranteeing Association (NIGA) for ATA Carnet

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia
Resavska Street 13-15 - 11000 Belgrade (Serbia)

Contact / ATA Manager

Mrs Milica Dubljevic, Secretary General of the Association of Transport
Ms Jelena Karamarkovic, Senior adviser-in charge of claims

Field of Application ATA Convention

- "Professional equipment" Convention
- "Exhibitions and Fairs" Convention
- "Commercial samples" Convention
- "Packings" Convention
- "Commercial road vehicles" Convention
- Istanbul Convention and all its Annexes

Note: In dealing with foreign countries, the Chamber's name has been changed from "Serbian Chamber of Commerce" to "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia". This change has been published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia no. 46 of 24 June 2011.

Other applications : Carnets are not accepted for postal traffic.

ATA Carnets are accepted for transit through the Customs territory of Serbia, in compliance with the provisions of the ATA Convention
ATA Carnets are not accepted for unaccompanied goods.

Languages in which Carnets should be completed : Serbian, French, English and German

Replacement carnet : 1) Replacement Carnet to Extend an Expiring Carnet

a) Replacement Carnet can be applied before the original Carnet expires or after original carnet expires, but in that case the goods from the carnet must be put under Customs supervision until Replacement Carnet appears.

b) Except for a new validity date, all the information appearing on the Replacement Carnet must be identical to the original Carnet.

c) The following words shall be typed on the Replacement Carnet's Front Green Cover, vouchers and counterfoils on the position where the number of ATA carnet stands:
REPLACEMENT FOR …..(ATA carnet No. of original carnet)

d) Before or after the expiry of the original Carnet, both Replacement and original Carnet must be presented to the Serbian Customs Office where the last importation was done for their verification/validation/endorsement before use.

2) Replacement Carnet to Replace a Lost/Stolen/Destroyed Carnet- applied on foreign carnets

(Note: In such situation, the Carnet Holder needs to give a written statement that the carnet is lost, stolen or destroyed and that he needs replacement, along with all others documents such as police report etc.)

a) Replacement Carnet must be applied before the original Carnet expires.

b) All the information, including the Carnet No., date of issue and validity date, appearing on the Replacement Carnet must be identical to the original Carnet.
c) The following words shall be typed on the Replacement Carnet's Front Green Cover, vouchers and counterfoils on the position where the number of ATA carnet stands:
REPLACEMENT …..(ATA carnet No. of original carnet)

d) The Replacement Carnet, together with the written statement, must be presented to the Serbian Customs Office where the last importation was done for their verification/ validation/endorsement before use.

Customs Offices : All Customs offices (see list below)
Border Customs offices handle ATA Carnets 24 hours a day and inland Customs offices during their working hours.


Name of the Customs Office, i.e. its Organizational Unit

1. Customs offices Beograd
1) Luka Beograd (Port of Belgrade)
2) Panĉevo
3) Pošta Beograd (Belgrade post)
4) Smederevo
5) Ranţirna ţelezniĉka stanica Makiš – Beograd(Makiš - Belgrade- railway station)
6) Ţelezniĉka stanica Beograd (Belgrade railway station)
7) Beogradski sajam (Belgrade Fair)
8) For consignment purposes Belgrade
9) Poţarevac
10) Free customs zones- Belgrade
11) Carinski referat za poslove carinske zone ( Customs Unit for Free Customs Zone Activities)
12) Carinski referat reĉno pristanište Beograd (Customs Unit for river port Belgrade)
13) Mladenovac
14) Carinski ispoatava za poslove slobodne i carinske zone i reĉnog pristaništa Panĉevo( Free Customs zone and river port of Pancevo)
15) Carinski referat za poslove slobodne i carinske zone i reĉnog pristaništa Smederevo (Customs Unit for Free Customs Zone Activities and river port of Smederevo)
16) Carinska ispostava Aerodrom Beograd ( Belgrade airoport)
17) Carinski referat DHL (Customs unit DHL)
18) Carinski referat JAT (Customs unit JAT)
19) Beograd
20) Terminal Beograd (Terminal Belgrade)

2. Customs offices Kladovo
1) Kladovo 4) Prahovo
2) Karataš 5) Veliko Gradište
3) Mokranje

3. Customs offices Dimitrovgrad
1) Gradina
2) Ţelezniĉka stanica Dimitrovgrad (Dimitrovgrad railway station)
3) za poslove Slobodne zone Pirot (Free zone of Pirot)
4) Pirot
4. Customs office Kraljevo
1) Raška 9) Bajina Bašta
2) Kruševac 10) Kotroman
3) Uţice 11) Uvac
4) Kraljevo 12) Carinski punkt Brodarevo ( Customs point Brodarevo)
5) Ĉaĉak 13) Carinski punkt Jabuka (Customs point Jabuka)
6) Poţega 14) Carinski punkt Rudnica (Customs point Rudnica)
7) Novi Pazar 15) Carinski punkt Mehov Krš (Customs point Mehov Krš)
8) Prijepolje 16) Carinski punkt Brnjaĉki Most (Customs point Brnjaĉki Most )

5. Customs offices Niš
1) Bor
2) Leskovac
3) Ribarci
4) Strezimirovci
5) Zajeĉar
6) Ţelezniĉka stanica Ćele Kula – Niš (Ćele Kula – Niš railway station)
7) Ţelezniĉka stanica Niš (Niš railway station)
8) Pošta Niš (Niš Post )
9) Majdanpek
10) Preševo - Odsek za poslove carinjenja i carinskog nadzora
11) Knjaţevac
12) Vranje
13) Vrška Ĉuka
14) Aerodrom Niš (Niš Airport)
15) Prohor Pĉinjski
16) Preševo
17) Ţelezniĉka stanica Preševo ( Preševo railway station)
18) Ţelezniĉka stanica Ristovac (Ristovac railway station)

6. Customs offices Kragujevac
1) Kragujevac
2) Jagodina
3) Smederevska Palanka
4) Ţelezniĉka stanica Kragujevac (Kragujevac railway station)
5) Paraćin
6) Lapovo
7) AranĊelovac
8) Slobodna zona Lapovo (Lapovo Free Zone)

7. Customs offices Novi Sad
1) Luka i skladišta Novi Sad ( Novi Sad port and warehouses)
2) Baĉka Palanka
3) Vrbas
4) Pošta Novi Sad (Novi Sad Post)
5) Ranţirna ţelezniĉka stanica Novi Sad (Novi Sad yard railway station)
6) Carinska ispostava za poslove konsignacije ( For consignment purposes)
7) Ţelezniĉka stanica Šid (Šid railway station)
8) Batrovci
9) Carinski referat Baĉka Palanka (Customs unit Baĉka Palanka)
10) Terminal Šid (Terminal Šid)
11) Carinski referat Jamena (Customs unit Jamena)
12) Carinski referat Neštin (Customs unit Neštin)
13) Carinski referat Vajska (Customs unit Vajska)
14) Carinski referat Berkasovo (Customs unit Berkasovo)
15) Carinska ispostava za poslove slobodne i carinske zone (Free Customs zone of customs office)
16) Sot
17) Carinski referat Ljuba (Customs unit Ljuba)
18) Šid

8. Customs offices Sombor
1) Apatin
2) Baĉki Breg
3) Bezdan – Mohaĉ
4) Sombor
5) Bogojevo
6) Carinski referat Ţelezniĉka stanica Bogojevo (Customs unit - Bogojevo railway station)
7) Carinski referat Bezdan (Customs unit – Bezdan)

9. Customs office Vršac
1) KaluĊerovo 3) Ţelezniĉka stanica Vršac (Vršac railway station)
2) Vatin 4) Hemofarm Vršac

10. Customs office Zrenjanin
1) Kikinda 4) MeĊa
2) Zrenjanin 5) Nakovo
3) Srpska Crnja 6) Jaša Tomić

11. Customs office Subotica
1) Horgoš
2) Javna skladišta Subotica (Subotica warehouses)
3) Ţelezniĉka stanica Subotica (Subotca railway station)
4) Kelebija
5) Senta
6) Đala
7) Bajmok
8) Carinska ispostava za poslove slobodne zone (Free Customs zone of customs office)

12. Customs offices of the Priština region(1)
(1) Customs offices of the Pristina region located on the administrative border with Kosovo and Metohija.
1) Carinski punkt Merdare (Customs point Merdare)
2) Carinski punkt Mutivode (Customs point Mutivode)
3) Carinski punkt Depce (Customs point Depce)
4) Carinski punkt Konĉulj (Customs point Konĉulj)

13. Customs office Šabac
1) Šabac
2) Carinska ispostava za poslove slobodne i carinske zone Šabac (Šabac free Customs zone)
3) Sremska Mitrovica
4) Slobodna zona Sremska Mitrovica (Sremska Mitrovica Free zone)
5) Sremska Raĉa
6) Carinski referat Ţelezniĉka stanica Sremska Raĉa (Customs unit - Sremaska Raĉa railway station)
7) Loznica
8) Valjevo
9) Mali Zvornik – Novi Most
10) Carinski referat Mali Zvornik – Stari Most (Customs unit Mali Zvornik – Stari Most)
11) Ţelezniĉka stanica Mali Zvornik (Mali Zvornik railway station)
12) Badovinci
13) Trbušnica
14) Ljubovija

Tel : Milica Dubljević (+381 11) 3304-535
         Jelena Karamarković (+381 11) 3304-537
Fax :
(381-11) 3231-016
Email :
Web :