ISO 9001:2008 Certified
FICCI India's Sole National Issuing & Guaranteeing Association (NIGA) for ATA Carnet

Singapore International Chamber of Commerce
6 Raffles Quay # 10-01
Singapore 048580

Contact / ATA Manager

Mrs Lee Ju Song, Senior Advisor, Trade & Trade Facilitation

Ms. Nisha Ibrahim, Director, Trade Documentation Services

Field of Application ATA Convention
Convention on "Private road vehicles"
Convention on "Scientific equipment"

Other Applications : ATA Carnets are accepted for postal traffic
ATA Carnets are accepted for transit.

Temporary admission operations under national laws and regulations :
(1) Goods temporarily imported
   (a) All samples imported for demonstration, testing, experimenting, copying, soliciting orders, etc.
   (b) All goods imported for exhibitions, fairs and similar events
   (c) All equipment and effects for theatrical performances, shows and similar events
   (d) Any professional and cinematographic equipment required for use by the press, radio, film, television and others
(2) Special conditions: nil
(3) Re-exportation
   (a)The goods must be re-exported within six months from the date of import. However, extension of the date of re-export may be given within the validity period of the Carnet. If extension of the date of re-export is required, Carnet holders should contact Singapore Customs’ Carnet Unit at at least 10 working days (Monday to Friday) before the due date.

Languages in which Carnets should be completed : English. The Customs may require a translation when the ATA Carnets are completed in any other language. The translation is to be furnished by the holder or his representative.

Replacement of Carnet : 1. Date of Issue of Replacement Carnet
- The Singapore Customs will accept a Replacement Carnet with the issuance date on the Replacement Carnet prior to expiry of the existing Carnet based on the following reasons:-
- The Replacement Carnet has to be presented to the relevant Customs before the expiry of the existing Carnet.
- The Date of Issue of the Foreign Carnet is based on the current date of applications which is prior to expiry of existing Carnet.
As such, there will be an overlapping period between the 2 Carnets.

2. Endorsement/Validation on Exportation Certificates
- The Singapore Customs will accept Replacement Carnets subject to proper validation by the relevant concerned overseas Customs in Section 'H' of the Front "Green" Cover. The existing Carnet number must be clearly indicated on the Front "Green" Cover of the Replacement Carnet

Customs Offices : All Customs offices and stations at points of entry. Carnets are accepted during the opening hours of the respective Customs offices and stations.

Tel : (65) 6500 0988
Fax :
(65) 6534 1052
Email :,
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