ISO 9001:2008 Certified
FICCI India's Sole National Issuing & Guaranteeing Association (NIGA) for ATA Carnet
Sri Lanka

International Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka (ICCSL)
ICC Sri Lanka Secretariat
Suncity Apartment
Unit 2B/2/2
St. Anthony’s Mawatha
Colombo 00300

Contact / ATA Manager

Mr. Sheanath De Soysa - Treasurer
Mr.Harsha Priyantha, Accountant (

Field of Application ATA Convention
Convention on "Professional equipment"
Convention on "Exhibitions and Fairs"
Convention on "Commercial Samples"
Convention on "Scientific equipment"
Convention on "Pedagogic equipment"

Other Applications : ATA Carnets are accepted for postal traffic
ATA Carnets are accepted for transit.

Languages in which Carnets should be completed : English

Customs Offices : All the passenger terminals at Colombo airport, the sea ports of Colombo,Galle, Trincomalee and the passenger ferry terminal at all hours.
(1) At the passenger terminals at Colombo airport, sea ports of Colombo, Galle and Trincomalee as follow:
(a) 9 a.m. to 4.15 p.m. on each day from Monday to Friday. These are normal working hours.
(b) Outside normal working hours as mention in (a) above and on Saturday, Sunday and statutory holidays, on application being made to the local office and on payment of the prescribed fees.

Tel : (94-011) 2577603
         (94-0 115) 23 09 34
         (94-0 115) 33 33 92
Fax : (94-011) 2577603
Email :
Web :